Upcoming Storytelling Events

Club Vision
Outreach to vision imparied -
"The Power of
Personal Stories"

May 20, 2017
End of the year Surprise -
Folk and Fairy Tales
for Third Graders
Copperview Elementary

May 23, 2017

Story Crossroads Festival Story Artist
Murray Park
Murray , Utah

June 30, 2017
Jan shares a story at the National Storytelling Conference in
Kansas City, Missouri. Honoring the theme of Migration and Immigration, Jan will be telling the story of her Grandma’s journey from Germany in a piece called “There are Castles in Germany”

September 8, 2017
Timpanogos Storytelling Festival
Jan shares pre-show stories at the new festival venue -
The Show Barn
Thanksgiving Point
Lehi, Utah

Listen to Jan's story "Covering"
on the Apple Seed Radio Program on KBYU Radio and Sirius Satellite Radio channel 143. The Episode is called "Family Stories from the Crossroads Stories Workshop"

More information at

Jan Christiansen Smith

Storyteller- Educator-Workshop Presenter

Bio | Credentials | Applause | Venues

Jan at the Timp Storytelling festivalJan honed her storytelling skills during her years in the trenches as an army wife, entertaining her five children during long car trips and while moving from state to state. With a degree in Speech and Drama, Jan has appeared in many productions and was a member of the Old Lyric Repertory company.

Jan telling stories sittingJan is also a graduate in Theatre and Education and a former drama teacher. Jan currently is a reading teacher in a Title I school. She uses the power of stories to entice reluctant readers. As a workshop presenter with innovation and insight and a storyteller who strikes a chord with humor, Jan believes stories make us laugh, connect us to our past, and keep us sane in a crazy world.

Jan C. SmithJan is a teacher, an actress and a storyteller - often all three at the same time and currently works as an elementary school literary specialist. A member of the Olympus Chapter of the Utah Storytelling Guild, Jan invites listeners into her stories and sends them off with a new look at life that provides some sanity in a crazy world. With a dash of laughter and a twinkle in her eye, Jan’s gifts of tall tales, folk tales and personal stories will keep you smiling and hopeful when the clouds roll in, and appreciative when the sun shines.






Performance Venues:

Workshop Venues:
